About Us


香港特殊奧運會於1976年成立,是國際特殊奧林匹克成員之一,銳意發展各項奧林匹克類型的運動項目予8歲或以上的智障人士參與,每年為全港智障人士提供逾5萬人次的多元化體育活動,讓他們藉著長期訓練發揮潛能,建立自信及勇氣,與家人及朋輩分享從運動中所獲得的喜悅,繼而融入社群。數千名運動員及參與者來自百多個機構會員,全年舉辦的運動項目包括田徑、羽毛球、籃球、滾球、保齡球、地板曲棍球、足球、高爾夫球、 競技體操、藝術體操、網球、速度滑冰、花樣滑冰、雪鞋競走、游泳及乒乓球。


Founded in 1976, Special Olympics Hong Kong is one of the Special Olympics Programs striving to provide opportunities for over 50,000 headcounts of people with intellectual disabilities aged 8 or above to participate in a variety of Olympic-type sports. Sports including athletics, badminton, basketball, bocce, bowling, floor hockey, football, golf, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, speed skating, figure skating, snowshoeing, swimming and table tennis are now available for thousands of athletes and participants from more than 100 agency members. By taking part in these sports, their potential as well as their self-esteem and bravery can be enhanced. With sports as a means of integration into the society, they can also share the joy gained from sports participation with their families and friends.

Apart from sports programs, Special Olympics Hong Kong has also developed various non-sport programs such as Athlete Leadership, Family Network, Healthy Athletes®, Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics, Motor Activity Training Program, Unified Schools and Young Athletes.